Sunday, February 24, 2013

Acceleration Academy Day 4: Sculptures and Idioms!

Seated sculptures inspired by Rodin's The Thinker, Moore's King and Queen, and Krause's The Thinker.


Break a Leg!

She's on Fire!

Train of Thoughts

Cat Burglar
He's Made of Money
He's on Top of his Work!
It's Raining Gumballs!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Acceleration Academy Days 2 and 3! - Printmaking Inspired by the work of Keith Haring

Acceleration Academy Days 2 and 3!

Students chose their favorite Abstract Expressionist creation and took a few minutes to "look" and write about it.

What emotion or feeling does the painting convey? What kinds of marks did I create by throwing, splashing and dripping the paint onto the paper? What should I title the work?