Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Self-Portraits: True Identity vs. Reflective Identity

The eighth grade classes discussed the concept of identity and the difference between their true identity versus the identity that is reflected upon them. "Does the image that I have of myself match the image that others see?" While contemplating this question, students wrote out two lists, one for "reflective" and one for "true". They found the reflective identity list much more difficult to write because it involved putting themselves in others' shoes. Naturally, the true identity list included words that described their personalities and life stories while the reflective identity list focused mostly on physical appearance.
Before beginning their self-portraits students had the opportunity to see work by artists who use various styles and media. After being introduced to the concepts of proportion and value, students began their portraits using mirrors. Some students decided to include both identity lists in their final drawing while others chose just one. The following are examples of the amazing work.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Abigail Spells

The second grade classes loved reading the book Abigail Spells by Anna Alter, and were very inspired to draw their own animal characters. Who were the animal characters designed after? Themselves, of course!

Keith Haring

Students love learning about Keith Haring and his energetic and colorful work. During his brief yet intense career, Haring created powerful paintings, murals and sculptures conveying various messages of love, unity and human rights. He wanted art to be accessible to all and was inspired by graffiti and public art. Students tried to incorporate some of the attributes of Haring's work into their own paintings including his symbol-like figures, bright colors, black outlines and movement.

To learn more check out Keith Haring's site at




Monday, November 4, 2013

Sneak Preview...

Some of the amazing 8th grade self-portraits that are very close to completion....


Did You Know...

 that lions live in prides which are groups of 3-40 animals?

that female lions do most of the hunting?

that most lions live in Africa?

 that lions are great swimmers?

that lions sleep most of the day? Up to 20 hours!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tear Bears!!!

The kindergarten students started the year off by creating their own tear bears. We discussed the different parts of the body and how they move as the bears walk, dance and jump. It's always fun to tear paper and the artroom was a very big mess at the end of the day! Then students glued the parts of the bear together and added details and a background.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013